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Open Talent Call - August 17th, 2014
Zephyr Talent is holding an open talent call on August 17th, 2014,
from noon until 5:00pm at the Holiday Inn Exress, located at
1605 E Whitestone Blvd., Cedar Park, TX 78613
Please click your age group to download a PDF file of your
lines to prepare for the open call. Then click INFO SHEET
to download a PDF file of the information sheet that you need
to fill out and bring with you.
Adults 40 and Up Adults 21 - 39 Teens 15 - 20
Tweens 10 - 14 Children 4 - 9 INFO SHEET
Things to bring to the open call...
Headshot or Snapshot
Resume (If you have one.)
Filled out INFO SHEET(See above.)
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